Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Red Dawn (2012) Review

America, F@#$ Yeah!
Apparently the studios felt that remaking Red Dawn would be a good idea. The original is about Soviet Communists troops invading the United States, and the only ones who can stop them are a bunch of Colorado teenagers. The inexperienced teenagers start waging guerrilla warfare against the Soviet troops under the banner of ‘Wolverines’. Yes, it is ridiculous, but it has a cult following. Probably because of its pro American jingoistic themes combined with cheesy action and dialogue. It is truly an 80's movie.

The newest Red Dawn is more ludicrous and just as dumb. Except this time instead of Russia Communists the villains are North Koreans. Originally, the Chinese invade the United States, but China is a big market for American movies, so Hollywood decides to change the story a little bit. So now we have North Koreans instead of the Chinese. This makes no sense because how can North Korea find enough people to invade the United States? Even if you ignore that fact, the movie never tells us what the Korean’s agenda is, and the movie never tells us what is happening outside the town. I will admit that the action scenes are staged well and are much better than the 1984 original.

2012’s Red Dawn is slightly better than the original just because the action scenes are better, but there is still bad dialogue, cardboard characters, and ridiculous plot lines. It is a good way to kill two hours, but nothing more.

Red Dawn - 2/5

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