Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln follows the final four months of Abraham Lincoln’s life as he is still trying to end the Civil War and unite the nation once again. To do this he fights to pass the thirteenth Amendment, which would permanently abolish slavery. However, the odds are against him because the Democrats outnumber the Republican politicians in the House, and the former group does not want the bill to pass.
I was surprised because I was expecting a standard biopic of the 16th President. I admire the film for putting so much emphasis on these few months, which is arguably the President’s most crucial moment in office. So I’m glad Spielberg decided to focus on this subject for his film.
Daniel Day-Lewis’ performance is excellent. Of course, I expected nothing less from the two-time Oscar winner. Lewis is a frontrunner because he has already won several awards for the portrayal of Lincoln. As far as its Oscar chances goes, Lewis is definitely going to win an Oscar for Best Actor. This role just screams Oscar bait. Mainly because this film is a period piece focusing on a legendary political figure trying to overcome a great obstacle. The film will probably score many other award nominations like Best Supporting Actress (Sally Field), Best Supporting Actor (Tommy Lee Jones), Best Director (Steven Spielberg), Best Picture, and in several technical categories. In fact, I would not be surprised if the film wins an Oscar for Best Picture. However, at the moment, Zero Dark Thirty is seems like the frontrunner as it has already won Best Picture from different critics award ceremonies.
Now, back to the film. The film as a whole didn’t leave that much of an impression on me. Spielberg’s previous film War Horse had a more emotional impact on me. Although some people thought it was overly sentimental, it was my favorite film of 2011. Nevertheless, Lincoln is still a powerful film. Spielberg portrays Abraham Lincoln as a flawed and complicated man during the last moments of his life. Despite all of Lincoln's stress, he still accomplished great things and managed to inspire people engulfed in war, and rallied then together for a greater good.
Lincoln - 3/4
Fun Fact: This is the only poster they have of the film. That seems kind of trivial, but still...